One of the ways we find high calibre people is by asking the people who know best.

Have We Called Asking For Help?

One of the ways we find high calibre people is by asking the people who know best.

In a connected world, it’s never been easier to find just "anybody". What’s more difficult is to find somebody with talent. As you probably know, there’s a massive difference...

Why Did We Call You?

One of the ways we find high calibre people is by asking the people who know best. That could be their clients, ex-colleagues, competitors or perhaps a respected professional in their field.

What Happens Next?

If you suggest someone and it makes sense to do so, we approach the person with an opportunity we believe might interest them. If we do, usually, one of two things happen:

  • If we’re right, then they will be excited by the opportunity. In this case, the research will give them a significant advantage over the other people interviewing for the role.
  • If we’re wrong, then they carry on with the rest of their day pleased that at least somebody thinks they’re doing something right!

Usually, it makes sense to tell somebody who values them. However, we understand that sometimes this might not be the case. Therefore, unless we hear different, we assume everything should be kept in complete confidence.

Thank You

We appreciate your help. Without it, our work would be a lot harder! So, if there’s any way we can help you in return, we would be pleased to do so.

If you think you may be able to help or would like to discuss things further, then please feel free to get in touch.

You can do that here.


We constantly test research and ideas that claim to boost your career.

Reports have included:

  • methods to improve your current role.
  • techniques to spot 'bad' jobs that look great at interviews.
  • Negotiation strategies that are designed to lead to better offers.

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